Monday 19 August 2013

press release

the know how to a killer press release images

one of the functions of public relations is interacting with the stakeholders and maintaining a good relationship with way of doing this is through press releases.every public relations practitioner is bound to write a press release at some point in his/her career. hence i think it is of the utmost importance to know how to write a good press release.

this is how i think a good press release should be like...

never beat around the bush and write a long long press release, keep it short and to the point yet complete.because journalist and editors are busy people who work around tight deadlines so keep it short.and it is a good idea to write it in the inverted pyramid style, start with everything that is important and end with the least important.a good press release contains current news with a news worhthy angle.something that will get the journalist interested. while writing that press release, think of what would interest you if you were to be the one to read about it in a publication.

i think that part of the reason that many press releases are not considered good enough and do not confirm to the standards of the editors and journalist is because some are written as if they are an advertisement. a good press release should never sound like an advertisement but must contain only factual information and enhance the credibility of your press release its always advisable to include quotes in the press any other writing, after writing the press release it must be proofread for grammatical errors.maintain journalist are good writers, i am very much sure that nothing makes them offended than a press release that has so much grammatical errors.

may we all enjoy writing our press releases...lots of fun!!!


  1. Press release is a good tool of communication in public relations, it makes things easier for the media.

    1. thats much as social media is in the rise, a press release still matters.

  2. ja dis days people do not lik reading any sort of print media, so wen using one, is always advisable to kep ur sentenc short just lik u said

    1. writing a long this does not guantee that people will likw it, so we might as well just be brief and to the point yet interesting

  3. It is better if the press release is written in a way that just gets straight to the point, and does not beat around the bush.That way you will not be waisting anyone's time.

    1. yes much bette, that is the idea not to waste anyone's time since we know that both prps and journalists are busy people

  4. Thats a PR fact any good press release to be considered there must be principkles to be followed.

  5. I agree with you Tsakani, PRPs must know exactly how to write a good proper news release because news releases are the best communication tools that organisations use to spread information.

  6. precisely my point.a press release is the basic communication tool for public relations and there for its in our best interest to know how to write

  7. the format of your press release is more critical then your content i reckon because a well structured release calls out to be read in my opinion, so nice one on highligthing that important point

    1. oh thank you,i also thought it was a good idea to remind people about that

  8. Good writing skills go without a saying for each and every PR practitioner, fascinating blog indeed

    1. yes thank you.each prp needs writing skills as good as that of a journalist for effective writing results
